Sometimes I eat cereal for breakfast. Cereal is easy to make and it’s tasty. There are many choices of cereal oats, weet-bix, buds. I eat buds most. It’s yummy and tasty. My mum likes weet-bix and my dad likes to eat cereal with fruit.
Rice with egg and veges is delicious. I eat rice most because its my favorite meal and rice is my country’s important meal.
I eat fruit for breakfast with cereal or mix apple, banana, orange and blueberry. When I drink fruit juice, it’s yum! Apple is my favorite fruit. When I eat fruit, I had vitamin and energy. Fruit is good for me and also everyone who eats it.
McDonald’s is delicious and yum but it isn’t good for me. I like to eat McDonald’s for breakfast but it’s not good and it’s not health food. So I’m not allowed to eat McDonald's for breakfast.
I like to eat rice for breakfast and sometimes I like to eat cereal. I will eat good healthy food for breakfast which is good for me.
Thank you Dakota.