
Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Breakfast-Which One Is For Me?

Did you eat breakfast? Cereal?Toast or rice? Breakfast is the most important meal for the day.

Sometimes I eat cereal for breakfast. Cereal is easy to make and it’s tasty. There are many choices of cereal oats, weet-bix, buds. I eat buds most. It’s yummy and tasty. My mum likes weet-bix and my dad likes to eat cereal with fruit.

Rice with egg and veges is  delicious. I eat rice most because its my favorite meal and rice is my country’s important meal.

I eat fruit for breakfast with cereal or mix apple, banana, orange and blueberry. When I drink fruit juice, it’s yum! Apple is my favorite fruit. When I eat fruit, I had vitamin and energy. Fruit is good for me and also everyone who eats it.

McDonald’s is delicious and yum but it isn’t good for me. I like to eat McDonald’s for breakfast but it’s not good and it’s not health food. So I’m not allowed to eat McDonald's for breakfast.

I like to eat rice for breakfast and sometimes I like to eat cereal. I will eat good healthy food for breakfast which is good for me.   

 Thank you Dakota.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Health + Me

Duffy Theatre

I  was excited  to see the Duffy theatre. There were three actors. When we all sat down they introduced themselves and we sang a song, the Duffy Song.
Then the Duffy theatre started.It was excited and fun.
My favorite part was when they were in Space and they were doing same as Space.  
I want to see Duffy Theatre again  before this year end.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Dr. Ben Carson

Bus to Manakau,
Enjoyed the wait,not!
Next, Dr. Ben Carson came on the stage

Clapping for Dr.Ben Carson
All we listened to  Dr.Ben Carson’s story
Reading a book it’s cool and great
Sang a song called The Duffy Song
Oh, It was cool and excited
Now, I ate an fresh apple and Up and go